Wednesday, September 14, 2016

10 Easy tips Self-Care for Health Care

1. Hydrate. Try starting the day with a glass of water. Get creative and add a cucumber or a lemon.

2. Pay Attention to Symptoms.  Noticing issues early on can be very helpful.  Ask for help when you need it. 

3. Make healthy food choices.  Try convenient, healthy foods for on the go such as nuts, seeds and seasonal fruit.  Apples and cider are great this time of year.

4.  Find a Balance between eating for nutrition and eating for joy. Try eating a lighter, yet still nutritious meal, when you are looking forward to a sweet dessert.

5. Take time for stress relief.  Make time for a walk in your day. Pause for a deeper breath when you need to slow down. Sing a song. Focus on a good night sleep. Meditate while waiting on a long line. Get some fresh air.

6.  Be mindful of when you need a break.  Sit. Rest. Pause. Take a few moments to recharge now and then.

7.  Be mindful of when you need to kick it up a notch. Be motivated when you need to be.

8.  Get Moving. Moderate exercise goes a long way.  

9. Nourish not just your body, but also your mind and spirit. Honor your Whole Self.

10.  Smile. Someone is wishing you wellness blessings!

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